In which I do the, by now, traditional pumpkin carving.

A Horribly Haunted Halloween

131 words about life — 18:00 · 31st Oct 2014

Unlike last year, where I carved 3 pumpkins on my own—which kind of sucked—I was joined this year by Rebecka, Lucien and a few friends who all carved a pumpkin each.

Sadly, I was busy trying out a new pizza dough when most of the carving occurred and don’t have any progress pictures so you’ll have to make do with just the final Greeting card instead.

4 Jack O'Lanterns and a melon carved to look like a brain
Some of us had to improvise when they couldn't find a pumpkin anymore.

In case you’re wondering, mine is the one with the zombie face.

So Happy All Hallows’ Eve to all, and to all… a good night?

You’ve just read A Horribly Haunted Halloween.

In which, 10 years ago, I wrote 131 words about life and I covered topics, such as: halloween , and season’s greetings .