Dear mother,
I hope this letter reaches you in good health.
This past month has been one of much change. First of all, it’s with great pleasure that I tell you of my new employment. The pay is better and the hours are shorter which means I’ll be able to provide for the family better and with greater ease whilst spending more time with them.
I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.
The place itself is smaller than where I was before making it more intimate but I must confess, I quite prefer it this way. A fellow co-worker struggles with keeping warm which apparently doesn’t bother me as much given that I’m used to harsher climates.

I hope both of my brothers are well. I do worry sometimes about how they are doing. I know from experience that it’s not always so easy to move away on ones own. I sincerely hope he finds what he’s looking for up north. And if he can’t find what he’s looking for, then perhaps peace of mind at least.
And imagine my surprise to hear of my sister’s marriage. Granted she had been betrothed for quite some time and I suppose it was only inevitable but I’m nonetheless happy to hear that her fiancée finally decided to make an honourable woman out of her.

My health on the other hand has never been better and although I still struggle with the strange foods here I find solace in the occasional breads you send me. I wish to bake my own some day but I have yet to save the necessary ingredients, lest I ever find them all, and hope you’ll send more in the meantime.
The family is also well and it truly seems we have been more blessed this year than the last. Lucien shows no signs of suffering from his earlier illness and we no longer worry as much.
Freyr has smiled down on us lately as well and the weather has been in our favour. We caught a river boat just the other weekend for a wonderful family outing to a nearby farm. Rebecka, who had never fed sheep before, was quite bewildered by the whole experience much to my amusement. But I must confess, walking along the river back home took a toll on all of us.

I’m also pleased to tell you that I have scraped together enough savings to come visit and shall arrive in less than a week from now. I can’t stay for long but I look forward to it nonetheless.
May the Lord God bestow you with good health.
Your sincerely,
P.S. I hear stories of people sending photographs home that don’t survive the perilous journey by sea. I hope my photographs see you well and haven’t succumb to the same fate.