In which traditions are meant to be broken and we don’t carve any pumpkins.

A Scooby-Doo Halloween

184 words about life — 21:00 · 1st Nov 2017

Some times, traditions are meant to be broken.

Last Halloween despite everything that had been going on, we did carve a pumpkin each.

We sat them out in the garden in the house we didn’t call our home.

I took photos of the pumpkins.

Determined to make the traditional Halloween greeting.

But then couldn’t bare myself to do it.

So you never got to see them.

Neither did anyone else.

Some stories need time before they can be told with the gravitas they deserve.

This year, we decided to not do any pumpkins at all.

Instead, we dressed up like the Scooby-Doo gang. So with Lucien as Scooby-Doo, me as Shaggy and Rebecka as Daphne we went trick or treating—even though I’m suffering from an annoying cold.

Carlos Eriksson Halloween greeting 2017 featuring Scooby-Doo and a pile of candy bags.
Scooby dooby doo!

Next year, we’ll probably do something completely different again.

Traditions, after all, are some times meant to be broken.

A spooky Scooby-Doo Halloween to all of you!

You’ve just read A Scooby-Doo Halloween.

In which, 7 years ago, I wrote 184 words about life and I covered topics, such as: halloween , and season’s greetings .