In which I write week notes for 25th April to 1st May.

Week Note, Y22 W17

129 words about life — 06:23 · 1st May 2022

This week:

  • I’m savoring a Anaerobic Natural Red Bourbon coffee bean from La Diviña Providencia in El Salvador

  • initial interview with Stately AI

  • third and final interview with Redgate–and I’ve accepted their offer

  • Jude managed to pull himself up and stand supported by the sofa, and then sit down again a few minutes later!

  • favourite song: I’m Not Jesus by Apocalyptica

  • currently reading: Orientalism by Edward W. Said

  • Covid-19 cases (UK): 22,213,972 (1st May)1

This week I’m mostly redacted aren’t I?

I was redacted at the time and have since updated this entry to be transparent.

You’ve just read Week Note, Y22 W17.

In which, 2 years ago, I wrote 129 words about life and I covered topics, such as: week-in-review .