This week:
I’m absolutely loving a Natural Controlled Yeast Fermentation “Sparkling Natural” Typica coffee bean from Nui & Aoy x Beanspire in Thailand
I shaved my head for the 4th time
I had to make the difficult decision to not have Lucien come here for a little bit—neither my ex-wife or Lucien are vaccinated
Katy and I stopped watching The X-Files—we got bored with it
Jude tried prunes for the first time—he liked it!
favourite song: Open Fields by Faelt
currently reading: The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House by Audre Lorde
Covid-19 cases (UK): 15,246,179 (16th January)1
We’re halfway through the first month of the third year of a pandemic, how are you feeling?