In which I write (late!) week notes for 19th to 25th September.

Week Note, Y22 W38

174 words about life — 19:40 · 25th Sep 2022

This week:

  • I spent on-and-off time resting with either the same cold, or a new one—I can’t tell any more!

  • I booked a father-and-son trip to Finland for me and Lucien—exciting!

  • I decided to give C# and game development in Unity a try—following Tom Francis’ brilliant Make A Game In Unity With No Experience tutorial series

  • favourite song: Universal Flame by Devin Townsend Project

  • currently reading: Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage by Paulo Freire

  • Covid-19 cases (UK): 23,840,524 (25th September)1

  • Monkeypox cases (UK): 3,585 (22nd September)2

Where’s all this mucus coming from?

  1. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time 

  2. Kraemer, Tegally, Pigott, Dasgupta, Sheldon, Wilkinson, Schultheiss, et al. Tracking the 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak with Epidemiological Data in Real-Time. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

You’ve just read Week Note, Y22 W38.

In which, 2 years ago, I wrote 174 words about life and I covered topics, such as: week-in-review .