I’m currently signed off from work for 4 weeks because of stress and burnout. I’m already concerned that when it’s time to return I won’t have had enough time to rejuvenate.
So, although I have actually done my reflection on the list of directions I wrote at the start of the year. And I’ve written down a lot of Why and Why Nots, I’m currently struggling to muster the energy to make this into a coherent piece of writing.
So, there might not be a year-in-review for you read this year and now you know why.
Perhaps a week from now I will have more energy and finish what I have already, mostly, written. Perhaps I won’t.
I really don’t know right now. What I do know is that Future Carlos enjoys reading my reflections but since I have actually done that bit, he’ll be fine, even if I don’t publish anything for the rest of the world to see.
I also know that I’m going to have to take a break, or else a break will be taken for me.
So I’m taking a break.
Maybe building some Warhammer terrain?
Yeah, that sounds like “not work”, which is what I need right now.