In which I apologise for the lack of entries but make no effort to remedy it.

An Apathetic Apology

186 words about life — 09:00 · 24th Jul 2016

As I’m sure you’ve noticed there’s been a distinct lack of entries, even by my standards.

The reason for this is simple.

I was supposed to write a Keeping Up With the Erikssons entry a couple of weeks ago but I got ill. First I lied in a 7-day fever and once that was over I had a few days of hypothermia and I started coughing blood.

I try to live by a simple motto; “If there’s ever blood coming out of a hole where blood shouldn’t come out, go to the doctor.”

So, to the doctor I went.

They sent me for a chest x-ray which showed spots in my lungs, suggesting pneumonia and I was given antibiotics, which I just finished taking the other day.

I know it’s not a good excuse but it’s an excuse nonetheless.

In light of this I decided to extend the Keeping Up With the Erikssons entry until after my self-mandated holiday. In other words, my usual blogging holiday of July–August is now from June all the way August.

See in you at the end of August.

You’ve just read An Apathetic Apology.

In which, 8 years ago, I wrote 186 words about life and I covered topics, such as: keeping up with the erikssons .