In which I begin training for my first half marathon and set the stage for raising money in memory of Amanda.

In Memoriam: Amanda

378 words about health — 09:00 · 4th Jan 2017

My training starts today.

In two months I’m going to run the Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon.

So far, I’ve only run 5K and a 2.8 km relay-race so at 21.4 km, a half marathon is going to be my new longest race.

I’ve given in to the idea, that I, in fact, do enjoy running.

My mind enjoys running. I feel a meditative calm as my feet rhythmically hit the pavement and I am forced to focus on my breathing.

I need to calm my mind. To still the shouting.

Amanda and I used to go out for hour-long walks together, talking about everything and anything we came to think of. It used to calm my mind. She used to calm my mind.

I want to honour her somehow.

I haven’t just lost a person at one point in time.

I’ve lost—

—we’ve lost a presence in every aspect of our lives. Our present and future has changed forever.

I want her death to have as much of a positive impact, as her life did.

Which is why my training starts today.

Which is why, a year after her death I’m going calm my mind by running the Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon and raise money for cancer research.

Because I fucking hate cancer.

Fuck cancer.

Starting today I’m going to do the first of my 32 runs leading up to the big day when I hope to run 21.4 km in 2 hours or less—2:19:45 is my estimated finish time.

I have a fundraising page on Just Giving and as my training and preparation progresses I plan on updating this page frequently.

In memory of Amanda Sigfrids.

If all goes well those 32 runs will have amounted to a total of 262 km before my half marathon.

If all goes well, I should be ready to run my half marathon by then.

However it goes, I’m giving this year purpose.

I’m making it count.

Donate and support now.

And I’m inviting you to follow along as I give this year purpose.

You’ve just read In Memoriam: Amanda.

In which, 8 years ago, I wrote 378 words about health and I covered topics, such as: running , marathons , charities , in memoriam , and saucony cambridge half marathon .