In which I write the first ever post. Despite written in Swedish I decided to transfer it and its pictures across to the new Github+Jekyll combo for archival purposes.
Post #1
121 words about creative — 08:35 · 18th May 2008
Random screenshot från ett spel vars utveckling jag påbörjade för ca. 3 år sen nu. And no, it’s still not done as this is the project that is going to take forever to make. It’s pretty awesome already though, as all my games are. Om du frågar riktigt snällt så får du nog testa det, alternativt få skiten att krascha så “uta helvete”!
Project: LEGEND, alpha something?
You can’t chop wood without an axe.A very ambitious project indeed.
You’ve just read Post #1.
In which, 16 years ago, I wrote 121 words about creative and I covered topics, such as: video games
, and
video game development