In which I tell you about this awesome triple bill title podcast that I’ve been listening to lately.

Sudden Double Deep, the Podcast

281 words about entertainment — 22:00 · 6th May 2017

Things have been pretty serious lately, don’t you think?

I think so.

For good reasons— well not good, but you get the idea.

So with that in mind, I think it’s time we do something a little more casual.

Sudden Double what?

Sudden Double Deep is a triple bill title podcast where real-life friends Ben and Daryl watch 3 films linked by a word in the title and then get together to talk about those films, and the hilariously tenuous links that bind them.

In their most recent episode 022 FORCE, they take it to the limit with Dirty Harry in Magnum Force (1973), help Chuck Norris thwart a hijacking with The Delta Force (1986) and struggle through an aching awkwardness in Force Majeure (2014).

Before that, in episode 021 SINGLE, they move in with a lovely new flatmate in Single White Female (1993), suffer a profound loss in A Single Man (2010) and sit through a venomous piece of trash with How To Be Single (2016).

The podcast is a well-blended mixture between, friends having a humorous chat in a pub, and insightful analysis of films themselves, including the clichés and tropes they employ.

My favourite thing about it though, is that I often find myself wanting to watch a film that, before the episode, I hadn’t even heard of.

And that’s not something I can say about a lot of podcasts of review websites.

And with Sudden Double Deep coming to the end of their first season, you’ve got plenty of episodes to enjoy!

Or follow them on Twitter for updates on upcoming episodes and other interesting film trivia.

Disclaimer: I’m friends with Ben.

You’ve just read Sudden Double Deep, the Podcast.

In which, 7 years ago, I wrote 281 words about entertainment and I covered topics, such as: podcasts , movies , and sudden double deep .