Preparing for Christmas is always a time of mixed emotions; Between the excitement and presents to the excruciating shopping and stressing oneself to an early grave, it’s easy to see why some people would rather not celebrate it at all.
I don’t blame them. Fuck, not a year goes by when I’m not tempted to join them.
But I really shouldn’t complain. So I won’t. Instead I will make a gingerbread cookie dough that been handed down from my mom—thought I’ve tweaked it substantially since—and bake some gingerbread cookies with Lucien, who had been looking forward to it.

Baking the gingerbread cookies was of course only a small part in the Christmas feast. Other delicious things on the menu included a large roasted goose—we’ve always wanted to try goose—freshly baked bread, roasted vegetables and Rebecka’s delightful re-invention of the British Christmas Pudding—the secret is that doesn’t contain any fruits or raisins.

Once everyone—and the food—was ready, it was time to finally sit down and enjoy our Christmas feast.

Now, we’ve eaten the food, opened the presents and started boiling the goose carcass into a broth for soup another day—waste not, want not—I can relax a little again.
And after all of this, in an effort to keep this entry short—I want you to get to go back to your Christmas celebrations as well, after all—the only thing left to do; From all of us, to all of you, a very Merry Christmas.