Notes in 2021
You know a movie has amazing songs when you have 4 favourite songs, none of which is “We don’t talk about about Bru-no, no, no, no” but that’s still the one that sticks in your head. Disney’s Encanto is lovely.
Whenever you have the opportunity to throw silly into the world, do it. –Russel Howard, Lubricant
Captive maternals by Dr. Joy James
All Metaverses are attempts to escape regulation.
In this conversation with another white person, am I doing anything to reduce the amount of racism that people of colour are facing?
Sure, but why is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
As long as you’re still here, you matter. What you do matters.
Double-bill recommendation: I Care A Lot (2020) and Britney vs Spears.
Every day I play the fun game of, “Am I autistic or Finnish?”
I have no interest in speaking of people I have no interest in speaking to.
I’m a man with too many chips on my shoulders and I need to unburden myself.
You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. –Angela Davis
It’s interesting to note that I have at least 15 different devices in my house connected to the internet, whilst some people have none.
I find it best, with both life and babies, to be prepared for a bit of shit.
That funny moment when you order your son a new phone and instead receive Germoloids Suppositories. Dafuq?
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift…that’s why they call it present. –Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda
It saddens me to see so many people eager to forget the lessons they learned last year.
The exponential impacts of being wrong compounds with time, so it’s in my interest to be wrong as much as possible, as soon as possible.
Could Hawking radiation allow us to preserve information from the death of our universe?
To the universe, a kiss is nothing, to me, a brief moment of your time is everything.
In the vast indifference of this universe, the existence of all my ancestors, all of me, and all of my descents is a fraction of a small second. And in my smallness I get to witness all the beauty and rage that is humanity, I get to live in it, with it.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks. –Dorothy L. Sayers, Gaudy Nights (1935)
Don’t work harder or smarter, work less. Build systems which allow people to to work less.
Don’t use legality as a guide to morality: Slavery was legal.
You learn from the part of the story you focus on. –Hannah Gadsby
Nothing happens next. This is it.
Testing Notes to Twitter integration.
Is it possible to dismantle a system while operating within its parameters? Can I?
I am the product of actions compounded.
Always take the time to learn someone’s name, and how to say it. They deserve that much.
Be careful of how much poison you throw in your own well.
Meet the expectations you set in visual design with your semantics and behaviors. –
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, because doing it poorly is better than not doing it.
The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.
You can’t get closure on feelings when you have no boundaries in which to contain them.
Take everything and nothing seriously.
I was ignorant as recently as yesterday.
You build everything three times. Once to understand the problem. Once to understand the solution. And once to do it properly.
Älskling, vi ska alla en gång dö.
The goal is to be a little less wrong every day –Martin Molin
Words describe boundaries, but it’s our actions that maintain them. –CaptainAwkward
Look, if you can’t admit to, at least, yourself that you were ignorant, than you can never not be.
The word “unambiguous” is very ambiguous.
Everyone is always living in the Present Past.
If you want to test whether something is harmful to girls, try doing it to boys instead and see how offended everyone gets. –tumblr
In you, there’s a ghost of me I no longer recognise.
I am a future ancestor.
It’s not the attention economy, it’s the distraction economy.
Welcome to no-place.
The recipe for change: Imagination, stories (names and language), and attention.
What is my perception of time, place, self, and community?
I disagree with the second brain paradigm because it’s solving the wrong problems. I don’t want something that works “like” my brain, I want something which can be customised to augment mine in ways it couldn’t on its own.
In discussions, always go from low-to-high status. In setting examples, go from high-to-low.
Welcome to the unintended consequences of your dis- and misinformed actions.