Don’t Run with Your Mouth Open
19:00 · 12th Aug 2017
In which Ben and I run a 5k to raise money for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and Lucien throws paint into our mouths.
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3 entries about colour dash, across 2 years. All topics
19:00 · 12th Aug 2017
In which Ben and I run a 5k to raise money for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and Lucien throws paint into our mouths.
12:00 · 25th Sep 2016
In this month’s triple issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: My previous accessibility article finds an online home, I refuse to celebrate my birthday, fucking Brexit, I party with old friends in Finland, we visit a wild animal park, I complete my first 5K and we finally find a new home in Cambridge.
12:00 · 5th Jun 2016
In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I’m forced to get a new phone, attend the 43rd Cambridge Beer Festival, sign up for my first 5K run and completely fail my monthly challenge.