Return to Running, or How I Shat Myself on the M11 Bridge
07:00 · 4th Nov 2018
In which I finally get back to running, realise how important it is and join the infamous Runner’s Gut club.
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4 entries about virgin money london marathon, across 2 years. All topics
07:00 · 4th Nov 2018
In which I finally get back to running, realise how important it is and join the infamous Runner’s Gut club.
07:00 · 6th May 2018
In which I admit to being defeated by my injury and have my place in the London Marathon deferred.
13:00 · 1st Apr 2018
In which there’s only three weeks left to the London Marathon and I must confess, I’m not sure if I’m ready to run it.
09:00 · 20th Nov 2017
In which I announce the next chapter in the journey that is Carlos figuring out this running stuff people keep talking about—by which I mean I’m running the London Marathon.