Archive for 2015

The year Ireland becomes the first country to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote.

  • In which the time has come for Twenty-Fifteen and I to break up with each other. By which I mean, I’m breaking up with Twenty-Fifteen.

    Dear Twenty-Fifteen

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I speak at another conference (even recording it), we go to our traditional Dickensian Christmas, two of my friends from Finland come for a visit and Lucien and I watch the new Star Wars film (spoiler-free).

    Dramatic December, Issue 12/15

  • In which the Eriksson family, and our esteemed guest Amanda, wish you all a Merry Christmas with the annual season’s greetings.

    Wishing You a Merry Christmas

  • In which I spend a week with the latest offering from Jawbone, the UP3 and see whether it’s a worthy follow-up to their earlier successes.

    My Week With; The Jawbone UP3

  • In this month’s very late issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We celebrate a failed assassination attempt, I’m finally done growing a beard, play Fallout 4, go to a conference and a micropub and get ready for our fourth Christmas in the UK by celebrating Little Christmas.

    Notable November, Issue 11/15

  • In which I reminisce about the ten years I’ve already spent with my wonderful wife, talk about how we first met and look forward to another ten years.

    A Toast to Ten Terrific Years

  • In which I continue this new-found obsession with quantifying myself, looking at the exercise progress I’ve made and realise I sleep more than I think, albeit unevenly.

    Push Ups, Planks and Puking

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I head down to Camber Sands for a weekend, Lucien and I catch up with all the Marvel film, I get a camera and become a published writer, the new website goes live and we celebrate Halloween.

    Outstanding October, Issue 10/15

  • In which it wouldn’t be Halloween without our traditional pumpkin carving.

    This is Halloween, This is Halloween…

  • In which I share a recipe of a Nordic childhood favourite, which will put your child(ren) into sugar-induced comas—of delightfulness.

    Nordic Cuisine; Kokosbollar

  • In which I travel to the past to see what looked like 12 years ago, to the present to look at where things are now and to the future to talk about what’s just over the horizon.

    Back to the Past

  • In which gets a much needed upgrade in the form of a DSLR camera.

    Lights, Camera, Something!

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We finally go to Dicken’s World, I camp in the woods and speak at my first conference and the hair goes.

    Significant September, Issue 09/15

  • In which I return from the forest to talk about my experiences at Web in the Woods, the conference with a campfire.

    A Finn in the Forest, Part II

  • In which I manage to get ready to live out in the woods for a weekend in what is probably the longest entry to date. Reviewing oh so many different products I also reach a new low when I review a spoon.

    A Finn in the Forest, Part I

  • In this month’s double issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: Lucien celebrates his 7th birthday, my brother and I battle it out Dubsmash style, my mom visits, I become undead for a photoshoot and we go to two different museums at two different times.

    Jolly July and Amusing August, Issue 07-08/15

  • In which I, and the rest of Squiders, take a day off work to do a photo shoot which involves more blood than anyone had imagined.

    Beards, Brains and Beauty

  • In which I realise that it’s only a month until my first speaking event and it’s dawning on me how ill prepared I am.

    Oh Shit, Camping!

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I have another one of those pesky birthdays, attend the Kent Digital Awards, celebrate Midsummer, try to play Batman: Arkham Knight and get a secret tattoo.

    Jubilant June, Issue 06/15

  • In which I write about some more games I’m excited about. And Fallout 4 is finally fucking one of them.

    Games I’m Eagerly Awaiting III

  • In which I continue paying for Past Carlos’ mistakes and reluctance to listen of his own body.

    Exercising the Demons

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I finally finish my sleeve tattoo, reach the halfway mark of my beard journey, go to Comic Con for a third time and start drinking better beer.

    Magnificent May, Issue 05/15

  • In which I remember that I really enjoy making little things to make our lives easier or better.

    Nibble - The Joys of Miniature Projects

  • In which I continue that weary—by now—tradition of listening through every Eurovision contender and then give them points. Or joke about them. Sometimes both.

    Concluding the Epic Rivalry

  • In which I realise that we’ve already been abroad for three years.

    Immigrant or Expatriate?

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: I get new glasses, play lots of board games, continue my tattoo and go to the cinema to experience Avengers: Age of Ultron in IMAX 3D.

    Acclaimed April, Issue 04/15

  • In which we I begin to quantify myself and we take a look at all the places I’ve been in the last year, thanks to the ever-present and watchful eye of Big Brother.

    365 Days of Delicious Data

  • In which I talk about talking. In the woods. With a fire and everything.

    Web in the Woods

  • In which we put on our best shawls, paint red spots on our cheeks and celebrate, what else, but Easter of course.

    Eggcellent Easter Everyone!

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We decide to surprise some of our friends and family by taking an impromptu flight to Finland, explore the family tree, experience a disappointing solar eclipse and I, of course, continue my tattoo.

    Memorable March, Issue 03/15

  • In which the future is already here, Skynet is already self-aware and we’re all basically fucked. But in a totally delightful way that I welcome.

    I, for One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We don’t celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary, lose another pub quiz, continue my tattoo, take on the role of a sentient lizard, attend a conference in London, get Lucien declared healthy and finally, end our Wartime Life.

    Fabulous February, Issue 02/15

  • In which I admit to liking some questionable songs from the ’90s.

    My Favourite, Yet Terrible, Songs of the ’90s

  • In this month’s issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We play games, get blown away by Microsoft, I continue my sleeve tattoo and we begin transforming our home in preparation for the war.

    Joyous January, Issue 01/15

  • In which I talk about bananas, bananas, bananas and bananas. Also bananas.

    Now That’s What I Call Banana

  • In which I make a nice list of 15 things I look forward to this coming year.

    The Prospective, Looking Forward to 2015